Monday, December 22, 2008


at last. satski is on. tomorrow is the anniversary of my rebirth. how depressing. over 500 years ago. satski is older than i am, for she is a fire deamone. and they almost never die. i have yet to see one of the mythical werewolfe, though i hear that they are common in the USA. i am heading there now, with satski. she had always lived in Ireland, with some wizard's family. i wish i could have a family. i was an only child in my human life, and my parents hated me. they wanted a boy. i could have been more useful that way, they said. so they kicked me out as soon as i could fend for myself. i danced, though that did not get me much, in the way of earthly wealth. i worked as a serving girl in a tavern for a while. and i worked as a whore. that got more money, but it was horrible. i hated it. luckily, i had no children. praise god. i would have hated to put them in that position. eventually, i caught some sort of disease, which gave me hallusinations and visions. of course, i got stuck in a looney bin. i do not remember who changed me. just the seven days of fire, the infinet burning. as the modern day people would say "it sucked."

Sunday, December 21, 2008

ninette saw how little i had put earlier, and, well, she freaked. so here i am. writing again, stupid fucking obsessive compulsive vampire. grrr. though i am a fire deamon, i cant rip anything apart, so, ninette is still alive/undead/immortal/whatever. i hate the north. it is always cold, and wet, and the sun never shines, and people are always crankey. grrrrrr. including me.
this is beyond weird. in all my 2996 years, i have never been on a blog. or whatever you call it.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


just to let you know, i encountered a demone in my travels. she will tell you all about herself when she posts, which will be in a different font and color. her name is Satski.

apparently there are others who are having the same troubles as i. humans. cruel by nature.

this is when i wish i could sleep. when i have gone through about every book that was ever written, and sometimes technology confuses me. its hard to stay with the times when you are 17 going on 516. not to mention the fact that everything changes so fast. the cruise ships instead of the Mayflower, which i came on to America. all of the new digital and musical devices. its a good thing i have whole nights to figure them out. its funny; all these bands that children are doing reports on; ive seen most of them live. not to mention that i have accumulated do much wealth over the years that i can buy myself any concert tickets that i may want. sigh. i need to go hunting. my eyes are darkening. not that anyone would notice, as i refuse to go to school. im 516 years old after all. its not like they can teach me anything new.

Friday, December 19, 2008


first time blogging. i started this with an eye to meet fellow... vegetarians... on the net. i knew that there were some in America, and when i came here, i decided to try and meet some people. as you know, my name is Ninette, and i used to live in Paris, France. i was a dancer in the Paris Opera. not anymore though. after an.. accident.. i try to keep myself in check. that means no more dancing, for i am afraid that i would scare the other dancers as well as the audience with my raw power.not that it is channeled horribly, just that i tend to go faster, do better, and accel greatly. i have been practicing though, to act more.. human.. and less, well, truthfully, vampire. i have too much power, and grace for normal humans to accept me. aw well. hope fully i will meet new people. or whatever.