Monday, December 22, 2008


at last. satski is on. tomorrow is the anniversary of my rebirth. how depressing. over 500 years ago. satski is older than i am, for she is a fire deamone. and they almost never die. i have yet to see one of the mythical werewolfe, though i hear that they are common in the USA. i am heading there now, with satski. she had always lived in Ireland, with some wizard's family. i wish i could have a family. i was an only child in my human life, and my parents hated me. they wanted a boy. i could have been more useful that way, they said. so they kicked me out as soon as i could fend for myself. i danced, though that did not get me much, in the way of earthly wealth. i worked as a serving girl in a tavern for a while. and i worked as a whore. that got more money, but it was horrible. i hated it. luckily, i had no children. praise god. i would have hated to put them in that position. eventually, i caught some sort of disease, which gave me hallusinations and visions. of course, i got stuck in a looney bin. i do not remember who changed me. just the seven days of fire, the infinet burning. as the modern day people would say "it sucked."

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